of the
Medicine Society
This list of some of the official positions of the EarthKeeper Medicine Society is not an extensive list, but merely an overview of some of the ones we feel are most important. The Opinions expressed here are entirely our own and are not necessarily the views of all our members.
1. First and foremost, we are concerned with the healing of our Mother Earth, All our Relations and ourselves. This must be done on a personal, local, national and global level. It would all be much easier if we all began with ourselves.
2. We are responsible for our own physical, psychological and spiritual well being. We must take personal responsibility for our words, actions and deeds. The need to get away from this "blame someone else" mentality that has become so prominent in our society, is immense.
3. We are all related! All of creation is related. We must afford equal respect for every creature, environment and person.
4. We must afford equal respect for every person regardless of race, sex or belief system.
5. We will be glad to love your friends, but don't expect us to hate your enemies. That's your problem.
6. We are not a large scale commercial company. We are a group of people who wish to help all creation and make available needed things.
7. We are not activists, nor do we march and protest. We do address relevant issues and depend upon our collective membership strength. While we are not political activists, however, we do believe in politics at the grass roots level. This is our home, our town, our county, our state, our country and our Earth. We do not recommend withdrawing from the system, but urge people to participate and make a difference from within. We cannot make a difference if we are hiding in the mountains with no outside contact. If we are to save that which we love, we must work within the system, not be consumed by it or withdraw from it.
8. All creation has the same right to live and fulfill it's purpose as humans do. We need to work to protect that right!
9. We should cease the harmful rape of Mother Earth and find balanced ways to live in harmony with all creation before we go off the edge to the point of no return.
10. We all have the right to believe as we choose. Race has nothing to do with dictating which belief system we follow.
11. We should all follow good environmental and recycling responsibility. We are against deforestation, over harvesting plants and wildlife, cruelty to animals, child abuse, and many other issues too numerous to mention. Most of these issues should be first addressed at the individual level. If each person would get their life totally in order and balanced, we would have to worry about no one else.
12. We live in a global community. Borders are political, not cultural or spiritual. Community does not necessarily mean people living in close proximity of each other. Community can be local, racial, cultural, national, global or spiritual. Most of us fall into most of these.
13. Spirituality is not an object which can be stolen, bought or sold. It can only be shared.
14. Spirituality is not something that is owned or controlled ethnically. The teachings are for all. Would you turn away a seeker just because their skin, eyes or hair was the wrong color?
15. The Creator made a choice to make us the color that we are. The Creator can also guide our hearts to follow any path chosen. Who are we to deny that?
16. We have no right to deny anyone knowledge if they seek in a good way. No matter how little or how much we know, we can share and we can learn.
17. We have no right to make false claims about how great we are or how much we know. This comes from ego, not Spirit. By trying to fool others, we are really only fooling ourselves. We can never fool the Creator.
18. No person is all knowing. No person has the one and only true and correct way.
19. We have no right to judge another's ways and beliefs as wrong. The only way one can be wrong is if that one claims to have the one and only right way.
20. Intolerance will not be tolerated.
21. We do not get into sexual issues between consenting adults as these are personal matters and are not our business.
22. We do not get involved in abortion issues. We have our opinions and that is exactly what they are, our opinions. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
23. We do not get caught up in religious issues except for the fact that we believe every person has the right to believe as they choose.
24. We shall not intentionally harm any living creature except in self defense or to feed ourselves.
25. We do not get involved in the vegetarian or meat eating issues as we feel this involves personal opinion and belief. The right or wrong of it is up to the individual and their conscience.
We are open to all ideas and suggestions. Our position on any matter is strictly our opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of all our members. These views are entirely our own. Our members have the right and obligation to think for themselves and form their own opinions and beliefs! If you have strong feelings about any of these listed issues, we encourage you to contact us and let us know how you feel and why. We will answer as best as we can and suggest to you any appropriate reading material, fact sheets or contacts related to your questions .
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