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Writers Guidelines

articles, photos, cartoons, poetry and illustrations conformable to our
editorial policies, which are subject to change, are welcome. No
payment can be offered at this time.
Changes, Healing, Ceremonial, News, History, Spirituality, Philosophy,
Native Issues, etc.
Look over
our work to get an idea of what we accept.
No racism,
no bashing, no badmouthing, etc. We will be happy to love your friends,
but don't expect us to hate your enemies.
Send by
email attachment as text file for Windows or .wps file for Microsoft
Works to: earthkeeper@earthkeeper.freeservers.com
Well written
articles are to be in the 900-2000 word range. We will do only small amounts
of editing. We will spell check.
You are
totally responsible for the contents of what you submit. You are responsible
for obtaining written permission for any copyrighted work. By submission
you indemnify and protect this publisher from any claim or action based
on the use of submitted material.
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